Attempts at weight loss tend to backfire
Research shows 95-98% of individuals that lose weight, will regain it all, plus, in less than 5 years. Imagine if I told you a decision you were going to make had a 95-98% chance of failing. Would you try it anyways? Maybe, there's a 3-5% chance it'll work. What if i told you the cost of attempting this change was stress and anxiety around food choices, lack of control around food, more episodes of emotional eating, increased disordered eating behaviors, shame, feelings of failure, self-criticism, body dissatisfaction. Would you still be interested? So let's go over this again. I can guarantee you all the negative feelings and experiences above and tell you there’s a 95% chance you will not maintain your weight loss. Now what? Sometimes we just need one more experience to know that attempting weight loss via restrictive dieting isn’t going to work. It's your body and you have the right to do whatever you'd like. It's important to recognize the lack of success has nothing to do with you. Nothing to do will a lack of willpower or a lack of dedication. The set-up is designed to fail...95-98% of the time. So what are your options? Where do you go from here? You're now in agreement that dieting isn't going to give you the results you desire, but you're still unhappy with the way you feel and look. Let me introduce you to the concepts of mindful and intuitive eating. Research shows mindful and intuitive eaters have reduced disordered eating behaviors, less binge eating, less emotional eating, increased body appreciation, less shame and self-criticism, less depression, anxiety and stress, improved nutrient intake, improved physical activity and better quality sleep. Does that sound more appealing?