Feel empowered to make choices that work for your family.

Welcome to Intuitively Fueled!  My name is Kristen Zappone. As a mom, Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Certified Mindful Eating Coach, and Certified Yoga Instructor, I'm dedicated to helping you and your family have the healthiest possible relationship with food. This transformative course is designed to teach you the tools and skills necessary to become an intuitive eater AND raise one, so your kiddos don’t have to go through the same food struggles you did.

No more stress around picky eating, no more fears that they’re not getting enough nutritious foods, no more guilt about providing “perfect” meals.

After working with me, you’ll have the foundations to confidently raise an adventurous and intuitive eater. You’ll know how to offer new foods, how to respond when your kiddo refuses a meal and how to foster body appreciation and a harmonious relationship with food.

If you’ve struggled with food throughout your life, there’s a good chance your approach is to just do everything differently than how it was when you were growing up. Maybe that was working for you at first, but now you’re feeling lost.

Our eating patterns are intricately woven into our daily lives and my program delves deep into unraveling the roots of your nutritional habits. Through personalized guidance, thoughtful discussion and simple experiments you'll gain insight into your unique challenges and emerge feeling empowered around food.

Join me on this journey to discover the joy of food and the connections that family meals can provide.

I can wait to work with you!